Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Venice comes to Ridgecrest

This morning I woke up at 4 in the morning, and could not get back to sleep. Why? because it had begun to rain and it was loud enough to keep us awake.

Since I moved here in March, I have seen it rain 4 times. And of those 4 times, thrice it has resulted in the streets being flooded. I was going to take a picture of the river in my street this morning, but it was too dark. Here's a photo on the web of a similar flooding in Ridgecrest:

I had to damn near bust out the oars to get Becky to work at 5 in the morning. But by the time I myself had to go to work, it had already gone down significantly. That's one of the things about flooding in the desert, when it happens, it comes in fast and drains away just as quickly. But never will there be a little flooding, every time it turns the town into Venice. Time to invest in that gondola I've had my eye on.

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