Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Here's one to... er... sip on.

WARNING! This post contains imagery that is a little disgusting. You have been warned.

So in my daily surfings around the net, I come across some interesting reads. And then this morning I stumbled upon the following story. And I found it so vile, so filthy, and so wrong, I just had to share it with you. Now you can be grossed out for the day...

OK, how gross is that? Could you imagine this? Sit down to watch the game, got the nachos, the dip, and a nice cold (or warm) glass of bull piss. You have to almost marvel at the man's business plan: Take something that everybody deems disgusting, which is inexpensive and easy to 'harvest,' then spin it and sell it to poor saps for a few bucks. It's so dastardly brilliant it sounds like the plot for a new James Bond film.

Now in all seriousness, He isn't simply bottling Cow pee and selling it. No, he is adding various herbs to make it a little healthy I suppose. But this isn't the first time the notion of drinking cow urine has cropped up. Apparently Hindus, who revere everything cow, have been known to drink the stuff as a way of cleansing their bodies of ailments. Others just simply bath in the disgustingness...

Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! YUCK!!!!

Now I'm sorry, but worshipping beef is one thing. To let them live among you, walk the streets, and poop on your doorstep, is ok i guess. Whatever floats your boat, right. But to ingest a cow's bodily waste and secretions is absolutely filthy. What is next for the Hindus, lotion made from cow excrement?!

One could make a small argument that the supplement found in some energy drinks known as taurine is the same thing. But unfortunately for the argument, taurine is a bit different then straight up cow pee. It is true that taurine can be found in cow urine and bull testicles but it isn't harvested from either. So take that naysayers. Actually, to please vegetarians and us folks who don't like the idea of drinking cow bile, taurine is generally synthesized today for human consumption.

So how's that for a random discussion? Drinking cow pee, BLEUCH!

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