Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I am concerned.

What I am seeing more and more is a type of attack on people that sickens me. It is something that I find incredibly frustrating and I think it is something that people need to recognize.

There are a few hot button issues for me that are floating around now. Two big ones are gay marriage and global warming. I have written about them both many times before on this site. I don't think I need to state why I feel the way I do. But the thing I am concerned about is the escalation of attacks against people who are opposed to these issues. 20 years ago if you said you were against gays getting married, you would have a debate on your hands. Sides would be discussed. It may get heated, but in the end, opinions were respected.

Today in our environment of blogs, twitters, and general expansion of public whining on the Internet, it has ceased to be an opinion and become bigoted. There are people who will call me names for what I believe. Miss California is currently being chastised across the Internet for her belief on marriage. People are basically holding her to this image of an ignorant racist.

Why can't people respect other people's opinions. I respect what other people have to say about hot button issues. I will listen to their views and I will still hold my opinion. Why can't we receive the same treatment. Oh that's right, it's unconstitutional and I am ashamed. Well, I disagree.

But my point is not what has been said or what people are currently saying. My point is why is it that because I have a different opinion I have become this monster that is going to end the world. Because I have faith in our planet to heal itself, to correct it's problems, and because I find that the human race is a pretty insignificant dot on the size of our planet, I am suddenly thrust aside by my own government. My own president is saying now is not the time for debate, it is the time for action. Well hooray to him, but there is always room for debate. There is always room to decide what we are going to do before we simply plunge head first into that rock that sits just below the surface of the water.

My concern is that today we are jumping to conclusions, we are mowing over people's beliefs because a few loud celebrities and bloggers do not respect other people's opinions. Not only do they not respect others, they don't even acknowledge them.

If I ever hear somebody tell me to shut up because I have a difference of opinion, stand by.

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