So on this day with the premiere of the new Star Trek film, the battle lines will be drawn once again. The debates will begin again. Star Wars fanatics will stick up their noses at the latest incarnation of Kirk and Spock.
So amidst this magic time of fandom glory, I thought it'd be fun to post this pic I found on the web.

I am on the side of Star Wars. While I have enjoyed a Trek episode or two. And the one movie I watched, I am pretty much a Trekkie virgin. With Star Wars, While I am not quite a be all know all, I know the universe, the planets, the characters, and why George Lucas has ruined it in the past few years.
I sit on the edge. I have been tormented and torn by the Prequels, I long for a return to the high space adventure the first three achieved so well. While I love my Star Wars, this new film looks incredible, and it may just make me switch loyalties.
Nah, who am I kidding? Boba Fett would kick any Vulcan's ass six ways from Sunday, anywhere, anytime. BOOM! But then again, I have no doubt Captain Kirk would make Jar Jar squeal like a pig.
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