Sunday, May 17, 2009

Zombie Walks

Here's how it goes... You're standing in downtown Hollywood, it's the family's first time seeing the Mann's Chinese Theater. You position your wife and kids for a family picture. Taking a step back, you line up your shot. Then you hear it, a low gruntled voice uttering "BBBRRRRAAAAIIINNNSSSS!" You don't know what to do, you race to your family, but it is too late, the horde has reached you. They shuffle past you, mumbling and drooling. But they don't feed, instead they continue on. You rush to your family, the kids are freaking out, crying into their mom's arms. And you ask, almost to yourself, "What the hell was that?"

A local Zombie Walk. Hilarious.

Why am I just now finding out about this? Have you heard about this? Basically it is a large group of people that will dress up as zombies, and walk the streets of a predetermined location. Staying in character the whole time, and usually covered with grotesque makeup, they will block streets, crowd sidewalks, and generally provide quite an entertainment to the unsuspecting.

Here's a video to watch if you want to see an example...

I love the part where they pass by the choir singing "Jesus loves me." Hahaha.

Why does this look like so much fun?

I think if I ever participated in such an event, I would have to start out as a normal tourist. And when the horde approaches me, I would signal them to attack, then we would play out a scene on the street, where they would surround me and start going into a "frenzy." Having already pre-cut my clothes, and kept a couple of tubes of fake blood in my pocket, would quickly get "zombiefied," then rise up and join the horde down the street.

Could you imagine being that person who sees that? Hahahahahaha!!

I have got to find out when the next one of these is. This sounds like too much fun.

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