Thursday, July 9, 2009

Out with it!

I'm going to do something a little unconventional for me and this site: I'm going to try and reach out to the you, the reader, for support. Not support like I need you to comment here, or I need you to email me, or to even respond at all. The kind of support I need is the simple idea of knowing that there are people out there who know what I want to do. That's it. I basically need to do an equivalent of "coming out," only without the homosexual aspect. So nobody could read this and I'll get all the support I need, crazy isn't it?

I'm going to let you in on what I am doing. I don't normally talk about my life on this site. Usually I either rant or review, or a combination of both. Never have I really opened up about my life and the things I keep close to the chest.

So first and foremost, I have come to the conclusion that my time in the service is up. I won't go into detail (we'll save that for another post, when it is behind me), but next April is the last of the Navy for me. It's been a long ride, one that I am more than ready to jump off of.

I have decided to finally embark on that great quest of getting a degree. Yeah. I'm so not excited (maybe a little). But it has been long enough and I've taken more than a short break from school. What was supposed to be a few years turned into almost a decade. Enough is enough. I'm here where I want to be (Southern California), and only a short drive away from where I want to go (UCLA). With the new GI bill taking effect this year, effectively paying 100% tuition as well as giving me living expenses for 3 years, now is the time.

I have a pretty good plan for the next few years and i can only hope it will be rewarding in a few ways, if not in every way. I've never been one to talk much about where I wanted to go, except in vagaries and possibilities. The truth is, I hate people who talk and don't act. So I've never been one to talk overly about my aspirations, mainly because I never knew if it would become reality. The last thing I would ever want to do is tell people I want to be a brain surgeon, and end up a General Practitioner. Weird, I know, but that's me. I like to be truthful but not cocky.

So imagine what it means when I come out with it. Oceans are moving. Tectonic plates are colliding.

To let you in a little bit, I've been working on one script for 5 years now. And it still isn't finished. Oh I'm close, but I have no doubt that the final product is so hob-scotched together that it would take another five years just to sort it out into a cohesive narrative.

Let's be honest, I'm not a screenwriter, and I'm not a filmmaker. Yet. All I've got is my instinct and barely any drive. But things have been happening in the past few months and weeks that have gotten me to a place where I feel like the unattainable is just within grasp. The act of deciding to take the jump out of the service has made an enormous impact on my thinking. Now, I actually have to get my butt in gear.

So I'm now faced with a difficult decision, my 72 page draft can be jettisoned or finished (shooting for 90 pages), but either way I pretty much have to start over. The challenges I now have in finishing it are greater than any problem I've faced with it yet.

I will be finishing it very quickly in a very short amount of time just to get it done and out of me. It would be nice to get out from under it. Not a day goes past that I don't think I should sit down and plod away on it, but as I said before, it really is a mess at this point. I basically started out writing one story and halfway through I changed some key things that in turn affect everything I've already written. In short: it needs some serious restructuring.

I am realistic. Believe me this thing is no where close to being anything readable by anyone but me. In years past I have doled out pieces to the closest people to me and only one person has read it all. I am private about it. It is killing me just to write this post and publish it for all my friends and family to see.

But I need pressure.
I need to know that there is somebody out there that knows about my writing on this project. So rather than it being my unaccomplished secret, where i could easily sit on it for another 5 years, now at least, it is a known project.

So if you made it this far, thanks. And keep a look out for another update. If you don't hear about this again, than I'm full of hot air and I'll already be floating in the upper atmosphere.

So, in other words; you'll be hearing more.

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