Thursday, July 2, 2009

Talk about ugly Mutts

If you've read some of my posts, you know I like pictures of cute kittens. Nothing is more sweet and innocent than a little curious ball of fur. Mmm, warm fuzzy thoughts. Today I offer to you a little collection of the exact opposite to cute kittens: Ugly Dogs. I'm not talking merely unsightly or unkempt dogs, no I'm talking disproportionate, oddly shaped, tounge hanging, disgustingly ugly canines.

In case you're wondering where this came from, recently a World's Ugliest Dog contest was held at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma, California. This was the big winner of said contest...

But believe me, he ain't the ugliest. Oh no, not by a long shot. More hideousness after the break.

Awwwww, he looks so proud of that ribbon.

I like this guy. He kind of conjures an image of a canine version of Nicodemus from Secret of Nimh. What do you think?

Now this next one looks like a zombie dog from Resident Evil.

If I saw that running after me on the street, I'd soil myself.

And then finally, this guy just let himself go.

If you want to know more about this contest go here, here, or here.

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