Monday, June 29, 2009

Classic Movie Monday: The Eagle Has Landed

Welcome to Classic Movie Monday. Every Monday, I watch a film at least 25 years old that I have never seen before. I will then write my comments on the film, telling you what I thought of it. This is an attempt to beef up my classic film knowledge as well as highlight some forgotten gems of Hollywood's heyday. So without further ado...

The Eagle Has Landed
Released: December 25, 1976
Directed by: John Sturges
Starring: Michael Caine, Robert Duvall, & Donald Sutherland

Plot in a Nutshell:
Hitler orders an attempt be made to kidnap Winston Churchill in the midst of WWII. This is the story of that attempt and the men who tried.

What I thought:
The first thing I thought when I heard this far fetched idea to steal Winston Churchill away to Germany, was that this would never have happened. It could be called historical fiction, and the film, while I wish it were a bit better than it ended up being, was still entertaining and an interesting watch.

The big problems with this flick stem from the fact that this is a film set in WWII, yet bares little resemblance to an actual war picture. On it's own, the story manages to hold enough interest throughout, yet the tone never feels solid. Some moments could be described as intense or moody. Then you'll have very comical sequences that just don't feel as though they are a part of the same piece. The uneven nature of the film prevents it from becoming great. It shall just have to settle for the title of "good movie."

The cast, however, is exceptional. Michael Caine is always in good form, here is no exception as he portrays the leader of the group sent to England. Donald Sutherland pulls off a disgruntled Irishman very smoothly as does Robert Duvall with his German Colonel who assembles and sends the team off. All of them bring their best to the story, and none are disappointing. Some of the later side characters however, can be a bit grating.

The authenticity of the film seems varied. Performers don't seem to know whether they should be acting with British, American, or Quasi German accents. The story, while interesting, throws out logic very early on, and the general feel of the film feels a bit incomplete.

While I enjoyed the flick, I feel that it was made with the intent to not be a heavy war film. To not be a preachy exercise of pro or anti war attitudes. No, this film feels as though it were made simply to be entertaining, and give us an interesting look at a very peculiar "what if" scenario. And it is at this, that the film excels. You'll find plenty to enjoy here, but not much staying power.

Bottom Line:
A good war adventure flick that has little to do with reality but still manages to be entertaining, flaws and all.


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