Yep I think I would definitely not drive down that road.

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Unlike last week's House on Hunted Hill, this film actually delivered on the creep factor. Of course I don't think you could not make a movie about wax figures and have it NOT be creepy. The ick factor for just the realistic wax sculptures was enough to give you the chills. It certainly helped that they ended up being REAL people covered in wax. How gruesome! (I always knew wax figures looked too real, now I know why.)
Vincent Price is the creepiest gentleman I think that has ever been put on screen. He exudes a sinister thinking through his character of the insane sculptor. It was fascinating to see the transformation of his character. In the beginning he is a humble artist, who likes to sculpt beautiful things. He doesn't revel in death or the macabre like his competitors in the wax circuit. However, when he is turned on by his partner and horribly burned in the fire, his obsessive insanity begins to take him over. Vincent Price has no problem portraying this tormented man.It was still a little bit silly. The characters are one note, and the scares aren't tremendous, but it still manages to draw you in with its mystery and horror. And in the end, it manages to provide a creep factor that still holds up today. This is what a great B-movie from the 50s should be.
Bottom Line:
Vincent Price delivers a perfect blend of cordial insanity in this utterly creepy film, that somehow still manages to be quite an entertaining and thrilling film.
Sphere: Related ContentYuck! Yuck! Yuck! YUCK!!!!
One could make a small argument that the supplement found in some energy drinks known as taurine is the same thing. But unfortunately for the argument, taurine is a bit different then straight up cow pee. It is true that taurine can be found in cow urine and bull testicles but it isn't harvested from either. So take that naysayers. Actually, to please vegetarians and us folks who don't like the idea of drinking cow bile, taurine is generally synthesized today for human consumption.
This all started last week, when a mysterious piece of paper showed up in the office. A piece of paper that was a sign up for girl scout cookies. Sign your name, what you want, and the cookies will be brought in to work in March. Wah-lah! I scoffed at the mere existence of such a list. "How impersonal!" I said to myself. If this parent was trying to sell their kid's cookies, they weren't doing a very good job at it. At least have the cajones to ask me in person.
My point is that the cookies are meant to be sold by children, to support a children's organization. I understand you want to help your kids, and get them that prize for selling the most cookies. It is a natural thing to want to do that, but this is something I will mark the line on very clearly:
Girls in the girl scouts, sell Girl Scout cookies. Period.
There are lists and lists of statistics on this issue, but frankly it is too depressing to list them here. Simply understand, this is a tremendous problem. It is primarily isolated to Europe, Asia and Africa, but there are estimates that put about 14,000 people are trafficked into the US every year, against their will.
In Asia, women are regularly taken from poorer countries such as the Philippines and Thailand, and brought to wealthier nations such as Japan to work as prostitutes and strippers. However 80% of those go willingly, knowing they will be prostitutes. Which then leads to a very important question, is human trafficking OK if they are willing? I don't think so.
So why are people willingly going into this ring of trafficking? It could be something as innocent as a job offer from overseas. But from what I have gathered, it is simply because people are destitute. You have no money, and not a very good quality of life, somebody comes along and offers a roof, meals for your belly, and a job. You have no choice, so why not. What they don't expect is the bullying, the drug abuse, and the general depravity that you will experience being forced into something that you might have been willing to do at first because you had no better option. But to live and work under a regime of ownership, is not right.
So what do we do? First off, be aware. Know that this exists and more importantly a thriving business, with little police interference. Beware when traveling abroad. They love blondes for some reason. So wear a hat and look ugly.
I kid. I kid. But in all seriousness, just be aware. Odds are you have a better chance of being killed by a bee than to be coerced into forced slavery or prostitution. Just don't support this by getting a prostitute overseas or here in America. But then again, don't do that because it's disgusting.
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