Hard working laziness: Illegal Immigrants in America
Immigrants from Mexico come here to look for work and they work hard. They work so hard in the fields they consistently pull long 15 hour days. The money that they make under the table is not taxed nor is it funneled through the government of the country in which they are working.
This problem's blame is being rested solely on the immigrants themselves. Media loves to call out the hard lives of these workers and how they are in fact the reason why our country is failing. This is in fact not true. They are actually one pawn in the game of money and greed perpetrated by the companies and individuals who hire them to work for less than American minimum wage and more than they'd get in Mexico. The thought of this makes sense to them. "I'll jump over there and make much more than I'd make here." But less than a citizen. If they were to become a US citizen they'd have to be paid the same as minimum wage.
Well, we have criminal activity occurring right now in our country and we are looking at the immigrants when we should be looking at the people who willingly hire them and allow them to work in this country, thus draining it of it's financial ability. America is bleeding and at the heart of the wound is corruption and greed.
An illegal Mexican immigrant is making a choice based on his or her experience, they feel they can do better if they float under the radar, and there are situations where this is true and false. The vast majority of immigrants are being used by our corrupted system. Which is why so many states are slow to reforming the issue. People with the money, like it as it is. The jobs these immigrants take means less work for the citizens of the United States which in terms of the wealthy's pocketbooks means more income. It is a sickening system in which we live.
This may not make immediate sense, but it is truth. Live or Deny.
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Saturday, April 30, 2011
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