Friday, January 30, 2009

The Deification of Obama

"Obama raises his hand, lifts a nation."

That is a slogan that is being printed and sold by CNN. It disturbs me that he is becoming akin to Moses. Seriously, replace Obama with Moses, and it sound as though you were speaking about a nation of Jews in the old Testament. That article above makes mention that these shirts prove news-media is propaganda. But that is for another post on another day.

But it isn't just slogans printed on t-shirts. What would you say if I told you, that schools and streets were already being changed to reflect our new President. Welcome to Barack Obama Elementary School! So says this article.

And who could forget this campaign poster;

What is happening to this mere-mortal figure named Barrack Obama? Furthermore, why is this happening to someone who has been in office for a measly 10 days!?!?
Something I have noticed since Obama won the primaries against Hillary in 2008. As his campaign ramped up towards the election, and when he won the presidency, a fervor has increasingly gripped much of America. Right now, across the nation, a seemingly invincible Obama, has begun to transcend into a god-like mythic quality. Before he has even signed a bill into law, or introduced legislation, we get a poster like this:

"It's the Patron Saint Obama, here to save us from the wicked Bush Administration."

I take great offense in an image such as this. To compare the man, our new president to a Christ-like figure, is absolutely unthinkable and disrespectful. And even more so because he has yet to hold the office for two weeks.

My question is simple, how has this happened? How has a simple man been transformed into such a figure of hope and promise? And why on earth do we have things like the pictures and slogan above, when all the man has done, thus far, is talk a big talk. I sense so much empty promise with these images that it can only lead to disappointment. There simply is no where else to go. He can go no higher in people's eyes, the only place to go is down.

Can this man do wrong?

I think so. He is after all only a man. He will make mistakes, and he will make judgements that I disagree with. That is the life of a President. No president will ever make everybody happy. But I do feel that he is going to shake things up, in a good way. I am all for cutting back on excessive pay and bonuses. But I don't think you can spend your way out of a financial hole, which is exactly what he is doing.

But as far as the 'Deity' goes, as time goes on, I can only hope that this image of a god-man Obama, will come back down to earth. Because if it doesn't, all those disillusioned people who have so much hope pinned on him, will be absolutely heartbroken and betrayed when he disappoints them.

Remember, no President makes everyone happy. It is merely a matter of time before mistakes are made, opinions reversed, and dissatisfaction set in. But I suppose my point of this is: let his record speak for him. Don't let yourself be filled with a false promise of hope and change when you have yet to see it. Anybody can talk, it takes a true leader to ACT on their strong words and make those tough decisions.

All I am saying is let us wait and see, before we make him akin to Jesus.

Click the photo for the story on this sculpture.

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