Thursday, January 29, 2009

What is going on?

I have just read three stories, all occurring this past week, in which parents murder their children in horrendous ways. The first was last week, a man killed his wife and five kids, because they lost their jobs (they weren't laid off, they were fired for very good reasons). Then I read about another guy killing his two kids and wife (motive unknown). And then I just finished reading about an Australian father who threw his daughter off a bridge into the water 190 feet below. She survived the initial fall, but died later of massive internal injuries.

What the hell is going on?

I don't care how bad things get, or how much you can't take it anymore, kids do not deserve your hate, your blame, your anger, or your mistakes. It is absolutely disgusting that people are capable of such atrocities.

*sigh* I need a cute, pretty picture of something furry to brighten this bleak afternoon:

Ahhhh. Much better.

Here are the stories if you care to read further:

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