Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My newfound Thomas Kinkade fetish

I don't know why and I don't know how, but for some strange reason I have become enamored by all things Thomas Kinkade.

I don't get it. I have known of the artist and his work for years now. It is only hitting me now; I love this guy's work. (Click the photos to go see larger versions)

A self described "Painter of Light," Kinkade's paintings are nothing short of amazing. Capturing a simplistic and idyllic look, he transports you amongst the most charming of settings with absolute ease.

The paintings always seem to be caught during that beautiful hour of changing light, dusk or dawn. The windows on the quaint homes or churches, erupt with a warm glow of light that it begins to suggest real magic. Magic, in that an artist could somehow capture those quiet moments of pure beauty.

How does he do this?!?!

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