Friday, January 2, 2009

My movie faves of 2008

Here follows a list of my 10 favorite films of the past year. Note these are not what I think are the best of the year. There is a huge difference between favorites and the best made films. That list is to be made by other people (with more 'qualified' experience reviewing films). The following are my favorite films of 2008:

11. Speed Racer
Critics loved to rag on this movie but I thought it was sugar-coated awesomeness at 150mph, which is why I put it on this list, even though it is #11 on a top ten.

10. Cloverfield
This movie took a lot of people by surprise. Showing a monster invasion from the everyman's POV; brilliant, that is- if you can survive the shaky cam.

9. Valkyrie
Great historical piece, superbly acted by a troupe of pedigree thespians (yes, even Tom Cruise), and so tense. It will have you on the edge of your seat with suspense, even though you know how it ends.

8. Doubt
I really dug this flick. Performances were electric, with the characters jumping off the screen. Amazing.

7. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
I wanted to love this movie so much, but find it very difficult to love. Instead, I merely enjoy it. The only reason it is even listed here is because of the character who wears the fedora and carries a bullwhip; he's timeless.

6. Iron Man
The first big hit of the summer, and it was actually really good. Great effects encapsulate a fantastic character as portrayed by Robert Downey Jr. (He was good here, but much funnier in Tropic Thunder)

5. Slumdog Millionaire
A terrific film that completely catches you by surprise. It will disgust, entertain, and enrapture you with its amazing story, ultimately leaving you with the warmest glow as the credits roll.

4. Wall-E
The little robot who could. An amazing performance by a cluster of pixels, brought to you from the geniuses of PIXAR.

3. Australia
This is another that got thrashed by the critics and hardly anybody saw it, which is incredibly disappointing considering how great a film it is. Epic, romantic, lush with character and backdrop, you must see this film!!!

2. The Dark Knight
I can't say anything about this movie that hasn't already been said. Heath was amazing in this his final completed role. This is the best superhero movie ever, easily surpassing its predecessor.

...and my number 1 Favorite movie of 2008:

1. Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Why is this my fave of the year? 'Cause it is a wonder of cinema to behold, and I just love the characters, the design, the fantasy, and the threat of things to come. You can't find more creative spirit displayed onscreen in any movie this year, and it is an absolute joy to watch. The director, Guillermo del Toro, is an insane genius of a creator, and his next film project is the Hobbit. Can't wait!

Notables not included:
  • Appaloosa - Really enjoyed the characters and story, but just didn't quite do it for me.
  • Kung-Fu Panda - Finally a Dreamworks animated movie that doesn't suck and isn't filled with lame pop-culture references.
  • Bolt - Finally a Disney animated movie that has a heart (haven't seen that since Tarzan in '99)
  • Curious Case of Benjamin Button - A terrific film that just didn't hold together for me in the end.
  • Tropic Thunder - Hilarious. That's all I'm gonna say.
Others that might be included had I been able to see them:
  • Milk
  • Che
  • The Reader
  • Frost/Nixon
  • Revolutionary Road
Guilty Pleasure of the Year goes to:
  • 10,000 B.C. - Horrible movie that I am ashamed to say, I loved. Oh come on!! How often do you get to see a herd of woolly mammoths?! Leave me alone.
And the absolute worst movie that I had the unfortunate pleasure of seeing this year:


OH! The brooding Vampiric young love. Barf! And yes, I did actually see it, and yes, it really was God awful. Trust me.

Now here's to 2009 with some of my anticipated releases:
  • Terminator Salvation
  • Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
  • Avatar
  • Lovely Bones
  • Coraline
  • The Wolfman
  • X-Men Origins
  • Up!
  • Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
  • G.I. Joe
  • Robert Zemeckis' Christmas Carol
  • The Princess and the Frog

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