I was watching the documentary series Planet Earth (highly recommend) and during a bit on polar bears, the narrator was going on and on about the disappearance of the ice and how the polar bear needs it in order to survive and hunt. Then they showed footage of a bear swimming in the water, saying "if he doesn't find land soon, he'll drown."
"Oh the poor bear, he wasn't given those massive paws and hundreds of pounds of fat to swim around in. He needs our help. Oh no!"
There's also a commercial playing on TV now urging people to donate to the "cause" (not sure which cause it is, probably the look-at-this-poor-skinny-bear-swimming-and-give-us-money kind of cause). There almost like those feed the hungry kid TV commercials, where they go into a destitute town show a few sad faces and bloated bellies and the money will flow. The difference is that one is an animal doing what it normally does, hunting and eating, it's a survivor. The other are people who are persecuted by war, famine, and shitty luck. You choose which needs your money.
But you know, even if the planet was warming, which if you actually do a little research and look into, you find that there is no conclusive evidence saying such, you'll discover that in fact polar bear numbers are on the rise. What?! What?! What?! "Polar bear numbers are on the rise? How can that be? Their habitat is melting right? That's what Noah Wyle says in the commercial. It has to be true!!"
But it isn't.
Polar bears swim, they are pretty damn good at it. All that fat and fur, makes for a great water insulator as well as having massive paws for paddles (God knew what he was doing here). The bears hunt on land AND in the water. It is a part of their yearly activity to swim regularly in the ocean for food. Polar bears have been documented 60 miles away from land, hunting. But somehow environmentalist fearmongers spin it to meet their own selfish needs.
This is an image that has been used by environmental groups to help promote their ideological and political agendas...

If you think I am just ranting on about something I don't know about. Here's some of what experts think about this...
"Of the 13 populations of polar bears in Canada, 11 are stable or increasing in number. They are not going extinct, or even appear to be affected at present. It is just silly to predict the demise of polar bears in 25 years based on media-assisted hysteria."Or how about this opinion...
“Polar bears, for example, survived several episodes of much warmer climate over the last 10,000 years than exists today. There is no evidence to suggest that the polar bear or its food supply is in danger of disappearing entirely with increased Arctic warming, regardless of the dire fairy-tale scenarios predicted by computer models.”Here's what somebody thinks of the political reasons to make the polar bear a threatened species...-Dr. Susan Crockford, Evolutionary Biologist and Paleozoologist at University of Victoria
"The bottom line is that the attempt to list the polar bear under the Endangered Species Act is not based on any evidence that the polar bear populations are declining or in trouble. It is based on computer climate models fraught with uncertainties. The truth is that we clearly do not know enough about most of the polar bear populations to make the argument for listing. And frankly, listing the polar bear isn't about the bear either. It is about trying to bring about climate change regulations using the most powerful development-stopping law in the land, the Endangered Species Act. Polar bears are being used to achieve long sought left-wing environmental regulatory policies."
Arctic ice is receding every year. Many are attributing it to "global warming," however temperatures everywhere else are actually declining. The polar bear is being heralded as the posterboy for the global warming campaign, however, they are not diminshing in number, they are in fact flourishing.
All of this boils down to, is people lying to us, and telling the uninformed, faulty information. Do your research people, don't listen to these fabrications just because they play some sad music and show you a bear enjoying a leisurely swim. It is complete B.S.
I can't stand people scare mongering (looking at you Al Gore) just to accomplish their personal agendas.
OK ranting over, resume your normal life.
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