Essentially the core of the show revolves around the police and the criminals as they fight the drug war on the streets of Baltimore. But it examines so much more than simply cops and crooks. It takes a very real, hard look at the influence of drugs on society; it's victims, it's dealers, the inner workings of the police, as well as the city's own leaders. Nobody is clean in this sprawling tale of drugs, violence, and corruption.
I'd be selling this show short if I didn't tell you it is one of the finer television experience I've ever had. Too many critics call it the greatest show ever made, but I wouldn't go that far. While i find it to be very powerful, and well produced, I'm not sure it's the greatest ever. But maybe they are right. I am only through three of the five seasons at the moment. It could get better. We'll just have to see.
So as of right now I am plowing my way through this series as fast as netflix can send them to me (which ain't fast enough let me tell you). So rest assured, the regular posting will continue soon.
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