Monday, November 2, 2009

A short musing on Trust

"I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you."
If you asked me years ago, “what is the most important thing in a relationship?” I would tell you to love your partner with all your heart, and make them aware of that love, in every day, every gesture, and in every word.

If you ask me now what I think that “most important thing” really is. I would tell you a simple word, trust.

It takes a great amount of effort and time to reach a level of truthfulness in any relationship. But if there is to be any growth in your feelings towards each other, trust is an absolute necessity. I daresay that love is tied to trust. I am not referring to that trepid initial infatuation or sexual attraction that may develop into a “love-like” feeling. It isn’t the superficial surface dwelling emotion that will provide the support through the toughest hardship or the greatest trial. Love is a deep-seeded state of being that is shared with a partner. This mutual feeling of life-long adoring affection is based,.. on trust.

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