Wednesday, September 2, 2009

100th Post!!! So why am I here?

This post marks the 100th post to the ole Observer! Yay!! Fireworks!! Explosions!! People flying through the Air!! YAY!!

So what's the point? Why am I here? I started this thing because my sister chided me into it. Pure and simple. The reason I keep coming back is because I enjoy writing. I love the idea of creation. I love to create something from nothing. Using only my head, a few fingers, and more than a little hard work and persistence, this site and my posts have lingered.

But the real reason I am here is not for the reader. I'm sorry to say that I don't write these things for you. I know how often I get visitors to my site, and I know they mostly come from the St. Louis Area, Connecticut, and Memphis. It's no secret that I don't have hundreds of readers, and that's ok. Like I said, I'm not here for you, I'm here for me.

You see, before this site came along, I would write very sporadically and often nothing meaningful. The little writing part of my brain just sat, unused. I worked on stories or scripts at various times, but never for any longer than a few hours every other week or so (if I was lucky). Now that I have this form of outlet and expression, that little writing corner of my brain has flourished. And it's made me realize that I love to write. I enjoy getting on here and putting thoughts to paper (or ones and zeros). It has been a great way to think about subjects that are close to my heart, and some that are nowhere near that personal.

I think you'll agree I hit a wide variety of topics. Things have been random. Things have been heated (even amongst myself) and things have been fun and a bit crazy. I've debated everything from girl scouts to absurd drive thru windows. I always try to be fair to my thoughts. I've done a bit of environmental hippie bashing and turned around and supported the current healthcare agenda. My topics range from one end of the spectrum to the other, and I love it.

And then there is my ongoing series, Classic Movie Monday. If there isn't anything going on, or if nothing is sparking my interest, there is always a classic movie to watch. This has been one of the real highlights for me in doing this whole web site thing. I've always had a love for film, but never really been thrilled with thought of watching the classics. I know there are hundreds if not thousands of important films to watch, and slowly I'm going to get to them all. As of this post, I have watched and reviewed 31 classic movies. Some I surprisingly hated, and others I found to be amazing. But every one is a film that I might never have watched otherwise, and I am better for it.

But the thing that makes doing this so great, is the moments like this. It makes me proud when I look back and see how much I've done in 10 months. I don't normally stroke myself, that's not my style, but I am very happy with the progress I've made. So now I pat myself on the back, *pat* *pat* and move on.

See you again after the next hundred!

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